The Story of the GROOVE
Clay Groovara and Chairman Wow have a plan and they want to form a band.
Marxy walks into The People’s Republic of Stroud HQ, buys a t-shirt and starts up a conversation about drums. He’s got a studio, he’s worked with Bowie………
Groovara & Wow let him join the band.
Rob da Rich is conscripted on guitar and they lay down the foundations of their first track ’We are the Revolution’.
Eventually Hi-Fidelity Castro, bespoke in fatigues, takes the studio by storm. One session is all she needs to sing what needs to be said.
Boom, we have our song, but how about a video to take this revolutionary tune to the people? One call to our (record) dealer and he suggests Neon Bobsky, who without too much brain washing, agrees to join our troupe.
The Stroud Subscription Rooms (featuring the light installation of Jack Wimperis) and the good people of Stroud then agree to take part in recording their propaganda masterpiece.
Job done
The Revolution starts here comrades